Sh3 Evolves - Therapy & Hypnosis

She Evolves (3)

Welcome,  You're here because you want to believe you can change and  I'm here because I believe in your ability to do so. Together, we’ll explore the depth of your experiences, help you release the pain, and embrace personal growth that illuminates your path forward. I teach the art of authenticity, the power of kindness to oneself and others, and the freedom that comes from facing what you once couldn't. It's about moving forward with determination to live life on your terms.

How It Works:  This is a 6-12 week programme of therapy, life and mindset coaching, neuro change methods and hypnosis.  Please note that achieving lasting results typically requires a commitment of 6-12 weeks for most issues. 

Here is a brief outline of what the process involves:

1. Fact-Finding Mission  
→ Learn more about you: an open discussion to understand your history, lifestyle, and emotional state.
2. Define Your Goals  
→ Identify your personal goals and what you want to achieve through hypnotherapy.
3. Identifying Behavioral Patterns
→ Analyze triggers, thoughts, emotions, and actions that repeat in your life.  
→ Explore how these patterns manifest and gain self-awareness.
4. Explore Significant Life Events  
→ Look at significant past events and traumas contributing to current emotional and behavioral patterns.
5. Timeline Therapy Hypnosis  
→ Use timeline therapy to access and release significant negative stored emotions from the past.
6. Deep Hypnosis  
→ In a hypnotherapy session, you'll enter a deeply relaxed state of focused attention, you are neither unconscious or asleep.  In this state your subconscious mind becomes highly receptive to suggestions and imagery. Through guided visualization and suggestion, you'll address and resolve underlying issues, reprogram limiting beliefs, and cultivate a mindset of empowerment and resilience.  This process is not done to you, but with you.  I cannot make you do something you do not want to do, your subconsious mind requires my asking permission for the suggestions put forward.  Should I say something you do not agree to, you mind will simply reject the suggestion.

**Got a few questions first? No problem.** Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how our services can empower you to achieve your highest aspirations.